The Hidden Dangers of Artificial Turf

Thousands of artificial turf fields have popped up across the country in the past few decades. The argument is that they’re cheaper, easy to maintain and perfectly safe. Really? We talk to a group of concerned Lake Forest, IL citizens from Go Real Go Grass, who reveal the dark side of artificial turf. Meanwhile, Ryan Anderson explains how you can grow real turf without using pesticides. He also announces a new certification program for healthy turf. Bob Dolgan from This Week in Birding talks about the latest chapter in the Monty and Rose saga and reports on World Migratory Bird Day.

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Rescuing Species with Urban Sanctuaries

This week, we talk about efforts to protect butterflies and birds in Chicago, and what that means for the populations of monarchs, piping plovers and other species. Erika Hasle, Izabella Redlinski and Douglas Stotz from The Field Museum, and filmmaker Bob Dolgan join us.

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