gardening, the environment, green living and a lot of humor

Did you miss the live radio show? Catch up with Mike and Peggy and their unique perspective on all things green right here on the podcast page!

Creating a Suburban Wildlife Corridor


							 Creating a Suburban Wildlife Corridor
Pamela Todd is a co-founder of West Cook Wild Ones. She and others were inspired by the work and writings of entomologist Doug Tallamy to attempt to create a citizen wildlife corridor between Thatcher Woods in Maywood-River Forest on the west and Columbus Park in Chicago on the east. Their goal is to find at least two yards on every block in this small stretch of land where people will put in native plants to promote biodiversity in all of its forms.



Filetype: MP3 - Size: 13.58MB - Duration: 29:41 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)