gardening, the environment, green living and a lot of humor

Did you miss the live radio show? Catch up with Mike and Peggy and their unique perspective on all things green right here on the podcast page!

March 27, 2011


Guests--Activist Polyana Wolf (yes, that's her real name) previews a six-week long series called Saving Green Together--Weatherizing Your House, Apartment, Condo or Building for All Seasons, which is designed to help average citizens green up their living spaces. Milwaukee native Bill Radler, who created the Knock Out Rose, the best selling rose in the history of the world, explains what drove him to do it, and how he became involved with the wonderful Art in Bloom event at the Milwaukee Art Museum.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 32.24MB - Duration: 1:52:40 m (40 kbps 22050 Hz)